Dierks, Klaus (2002): Chronology of Namibian History

Book cover Klaus Dierks Chronology Namibian History

Dierks, Klaus: Chronology of Namibian History. From Pre-Historical Times to Independent Namibia, Windhoek 2002 (Second Updated and Revised Edition)

Description (excerpt from the preface by Klaus Dierks, page viii):

“An updated and well-researched chronology of Namibian History is long overdue. In particular, a chronological and properly indexed delineation of the pre-colonial and mandate periods following World War I, and of the period leading to Namibia’s independence has been lacking. This chronology depicts “Namibia’s Road to Freedom”, the country’s striving for freedom and independence is the red thread woven through the red tapestry of its history since long before the onset of formal colonialism in 1884. The advent of colonialism in the last quarter of the 19th century serves as the starting point of this research, and the seemingly endless yarn of facts and figures that flawed from the colonial presence is followed to its logical conclusion – the birth of the Republic of Namibia on 21 March 1990. Community awareness of ancient historical roots, associated with oral traditions about the origins and migrations of many Namibian communities play an important role in the revival of their cultures in post-independent Namibia and is reflected in this chronology.”

The author Klaus Dierks (1936 – 2005) published his ‘Chronology of Namibian History’ also on his website KlausDierks.com


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