Book Launch: ‘Beggars on our own land…’ by Willem Odendaal
Book Launch: ‘Beggars on our own land…’ by Willem Odendaal
Book Launch: ‘Beggars on our own land…’ by Willem Odendaal
Description by the organisers, Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Namibia (FES):
The Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Dr Willem Odendaal and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung invite to the launch of the Basel Namibia Studies Series’ latest title: ‘Beggars on our own land…’. Tsumib v Government of the Republic of Namibia and its Implications for Ancestral Land Claims in Namibia.
[‘Beggars on our own land…’ deals with the Hai||om San people’s case against the Namibian government for compensation for their ancestral land in Etosha, which they lost when they were evicted by the South African-controlled administration in 1954. You can find more information about the book here; ed.]
Speaker: Dr Willem Odendaal, author of the book
Director of Ceremony: Mrs Rakkel Andreas
Venue: Namibia Scientific Society, Robert Mugabe Avenue 110, Windhoek. Parking: Love Street.
Date and time: Tuesday, 17 September 2024, 5.30 pm for 6 pm
RSVP: Ms Cheryl Kahambea, Tel.: +264 61 417 500,
A book table, copies for the press and refreshments will be available.
Book Distributor: Namibia Book Market, Tel +264 61 23 6938,”