Hartmann Wegener (2024): Matters Of Fact: Facing Our Past – The OvaHerero-German War – Episode 2, PodCast on YouTube
Published on 22 December 2024 on the YouTube channel ‘ManHistPodCast’.
(as on YouTube):
“Matters of Fact: Facing our past! Tom Wegener, a German radio journalist and Wolfram Hartmann, a Namibian Africanist historian talk on important aspects of Namibia´s controversial and painful colonial past.
The aim is to facilitate a conversation, to disseminate knowledge and to infuse current debates with a sense of reconciliation; respectfully, evidence-based and soundly researched, reasonably and without one-upmanship or virtue-signalling, FOR Namibians, IN Namibia, FROM Namibia.
Select Bibliography
o Helmut Bley, Kolonialherrschaft und Sozialstruktur in Deutsch-Südwestafrika, 1894-1914, Hamburg 1968.
In English: Namibia under German Rule, London 1971, reprinted Windhoek 1996.
o Horst Drechsler, Südwestafrika unter deutscher Kolonialherrschaft, Berlin 1966.
In English: Let Us Die Fighting, London 1980.
o Wolfram Hartmann, (ed.), Nuanced Considerations. Recent Voices in Namibian-German Colonial History, Windhoek 2019.
o Matthias Häussler, Der Genozid an den Herero. Krieg, Emotion und extreme Gewalt in Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Weilerswist 2018.
In English: The Herero Genocide War, Emotion, and Extreme Violence in Colonial Namibia, New York 2021.
o Theodor Leutwein, Elf Jahre Gouverneur in Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Berlin 1906, reprinted Windhoek 1997.
o Walter Nuhn, Sturm über Südwest. Der Hereroaufstand von 1904 – Ein düsteres Kapitel der deutschen kolonialen Vergangenheit Namibias, Koblenz 1998.
o Gerhardus Pool, Die Herero-opstand 1904-1907, Cape Town 1979, reprinted Pretoria 2016.
o Gerhardus Pool, Maharero, English and German, Windhoek 1991.
o Preussen / Großer Generalstab, Die Kämpfe der deutschen Truppen in Südwestafrika. Der Feldzug gegen die Hereros, Berlin 1906.
The containment decree in Otjiherero,
as transcribed from the source in the Archives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia
Kovanene avehe mokuti kandje
Okahandja, d. 11. Jan. 04
Ouami Omuhona omunene novaherero Samuel Maharero.
Mba tu apo oveta nombo esemba ne ziame kovandu avehe vandje kutja ave ha tua ko omake nao komeho imbi: Okutja omuEngelis, nombaster, nomuzorotua, nomunamava, nomburu, avehe mba kaku nolutuma omake omu tjiti otjina ho, mba tuapoo ejaneno, kutja ape ha munika otjina hi na mina kovahonge.
Opuvo. Ouami Omuhona S. Maharero Okahandja”