Primary Sources
Resources / Primary Sources
Primary Sources on Namibia’s Past
Here you will find scans of and/or links to official documents relating to Namibia’s past or to the dialogue about Namibia’s past. Primary sources are first-hand statements in written, printed or electronic form that provide information or evidence or serve as official records.
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German Government (02-10-2024): In memory of the victims of the extermination order
German Government: In memory of the victims of the extermination order On 2 October 2024, the German ambassador to Namibia, Thorsten Hutter, laid a wreath at the genocide memorial in Windhoek. It is located at the Alte Feste, which was...
German Government (25-09-2024): Response to question on commemoration of the extermination order
German Government: Response to question on commemoration of the extermination order and the former concentration camp on Shark Island The German Bundestag (Federal Parliament) holds a 'Fragestunde' (Question Time) every sitting week. Each...
German Government (05-06-2024): Foreign Minister Baerbock – Launch of book ‘Das Auswärtige Amt und die Kolonien’
Rede der Bundesministerin des Auswärtigen, Annalena Baerbock, zur Vorstellung des Buches 'Das Auswärtige Amt und die Kolonien' am 5. Juni 2024 in Berlin Text of the official speech by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on the occasion of...
German Government (03-04-2024): Statement by German Embassy on Ambassador’s visit to Shark Island memorial stone
Statement by the German Embassy on the Ambassador's visit to the Shark Island memorial stone Original text of the German Embassy's media release no. 09/2024 from 3 April 2024: "In the last few days there has been misinformation spread on...
German Government (24-02-2024): Federal President Steinmeier – “I bow my head to Hage Geingob”
German Federal President Steinmeier – "I bow my head to Hage Geingob" Text of the address German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier delivered at the funeral service for the President of the Republic of Namibia, Hage Geingob, on 24...
German Government (01-06-2023): Response to Joint Communication of Special Rapporteurs of UN OHCHR
Response of Germany to the Joint Communication of Special Rapporteurs of the UN OHCHR on the Joint Declaration Response of Germany of 1 June 2023 to the Joint Communication of Special Rapporteurs of the Office of the United Nations High...
German Government and Namibian Government (15-05-2021): Joint Declaration
Namibian Government (10-12-2024): President Mbumba’s statement on the inauguration of the Hosea Kutako Museum & Shrine
Keynote Statement by President Nangolo Mbumba on the Inauguration of the Hosea Kutako Museum & Shrine on 10 December 2024 at Toasis, Aminuis "The Presidency Keynote Statement by His Excellency, Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, President of the...
Namibian Government (25-07-2024): President Mbumba’s statement, calling on genocide-affected communities to speak with one voice
"Statement of President Nangolo Mbumba on 25 July 2024, calling on genocide-affected communities to speak with one voice Video uploaded by the Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA) on its YouTube channel on 29 July 2024 "WINDHOEK, 25 JUL (NAMPA)...
Namibian Government (26-01-2024): MIRCO Nandi-Ndaitwah Statement on ICJ ruling in genocide case of South Africa against Israel
Namibian DPM and MIRCO Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah's Statement on ICJ's ruling in the genocide case of South Africa against Israel concerning Palestine On 26 January 2024 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its ruling in the case...
Namibian Government (13-01-2024): Presidency Rejecting Germany’s Support of Israel
"Namibia rejects Germany’s Support of the Genocidal Intent of the Racist Israeli State against Innocent Civilians in Gaza On Namibian soil, #Germany committed the first genocide of the 20th century in 1904-1908, in which tens of thousands...
Namibian Government (30-05-2023): Response to Joint Communication of Special Rapporteurs of UN OHCHR
Response of Namibia to the Joint Communication of Special Rapporteurs of the UN OHCHR on the Joint Declaration Response of Namibia of 30 May 2023 to the Joint Communication of Special Rapporteurs of the Office of the United Nations High...
Namibian Judiciary (07-10-2024): High Court – Ruling on request for documents on negotiations on Joint Declaration
High Court ruling on the request for documents concerning the negotiations on the Joint Declaration Summary by the High Court: "This is an interlocutory application by the applicants ancillary to their pending review application (against...
Namibian Parliament (26-10-2006): National Assembly – Motion on the OvaHerero Genocide
Motion on the OvaHerero Genocide Tabled in the National Assembly of Namibia by Kuaima Riruako, Member of Parliament and Chief of the OvaHerero, on 26 September 2006 and adopted by the National Assembly on 26 October 2006 (source:...
United Nations (26-01-2024): ICJ – Order in genocide case brought by South Africa against Israel regarding occupied Palestine
Order of the UN ICJ in the case brought by South Africa against Israel for alleged genocide in the occupied Palestinian territories The United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) pronounced its order in the case no 192 brought by...
United Nations (23-02-2023): OHCHR – Joint Communication Special Rapporteurs Joint Declaration
Joint Communication of Special Rapporteurs of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Communication to the Governments of Germany and Namibia on the alleged lack of meaningful participation of the...
United Nations (09-12-1948): General Assembly – Genocide Convention
"Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Approved and proposed for signature and ratification or accession by General Assembly resolution 260 A (III) of 9 December 1948 Entry into force: 12 January 1951, in...
US Government (25-10-2024): President Biden apologizes for forced Native American boarding school policy
US Government: President Biden apologizes for forced Native American boarding school policy Video recording of US President Biden's speech at Gila Crossing School near Phoenix, recorded and published unabridged by US broadcaster NBC News....