Secondary Sources
Resources / Secondary Sources
Secondary Sources on Namibia’s Past
Here you will find scans of and/or links to publications of academics or experts which are relevant to process Namibia’s past. Secondary sources are publications in written, printed or electronic form that provide information and background about topics from the author’s or publisher’s perspective, based on his or her research and expertise.
This list is a work in progress. You are welcome to suggest additions. Please include the author(s) and title of the document and where it can be found – preferably by providing a link.
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The sources listed have been researched with the greatest possible care. External links were checked at the time of publication. Please inform us if an external link no longer leads to the specified source.
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Wallace, Marion (2011): A History of Namibia
Wallace, Marion: A History of Namibia. From the Beginning to 1990, London 2011 (hard cover) Description by the publisher, Hurst Publishers, London: "In 1990 Namibia gained its independence after a decades-long struggle against South...

Zimmerer, Jürgen (2021): German rule, African subjects
Zimmerer, Jürgen: German rule, African subjects. State Aspirations and the Reality of Power in Colonial Namibia, Oxford 2021 (Translated from the original German version "Deutsche Herrschaft über Afrikaner", 2000) Description by the...

Zimmerer, Jürgen; Zeller, Joachim eds. (2007): Genocide in German South-West Africa: The Colonial War of 1904–1908 and Its Aftermath
Zimmerer, Jürgen; Zeller, Joachim (Hrsg.): Genocide in German South-West Africa: The Colonial War of 1904–1908 and Its Aftermath, 2007 (Translated from the original German version "Völkermord in Deutsch-Südwestafrika", 2003) Description...